Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Ivory Room Tusks

Some of you may remember the Ivory Room from when it was first opened. It was started by the same team who ran Rhodes House and was just as spectacular. Since the opening party which was approx. 10 yrs ago (and still one of the best parties I have ever been to) I have lusted over the 4 lit up perspex ivory tusks they had outside. Following it into rack and ruin I always wondered what would become of these gem's - I even attended a public auctions of the building hoping to meet the seller or new owner and secure them. Then last week by complete coincidence I was having coffee at Cafe Josephine just opposite the now derelict Ivory Room on Loop Street and I saw a huge commotion going on outside. There were local business men, security and car guards, waiters and bergies all talking nonsensically at the same time. I managed to deduce that the vagrant inhabitants of the building had hacked through a water pipe flooding it and pissing off the neighbours (who were already annoyed because of an apparent rat problem.) The neighbour (one of the "local businessmen") was on the phone to the owner of the building (whose number I have been trying to secure for nearly 2 years now!) After promising to paint him naked he gave me the illusive "George's" number - I was instructed by George to make an offer - and promptly hung up on several times until I finally secured these amazing 'ivory' tusks which are already a piece of Cape Town history and will become a part of Merchants history too I am sure.
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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